Potez 25 Recce Photo of Dobromil Castle Ruins (Potez XXV), Lvov-Sknilov Aifield

Ruins of the castle in Dobromil (now Ukraine) near Przemysl. The reverse side of the reconnaissance photograph is labelled as follows:
61 flight. Secret. Aviation photograph Nr … . Date 2 August 1930. Time 09:35. Place Dobromil (Castle). Altimeter height 150 m. Photo-camera F. R., F = 26 cm, F = 4,5. Observer lieutenant Janusz Kedzierski, pilot sergeant Jachtholc. Airplane Potes XXV, 42-226.
The family name of the pilot (the correct spelling is Jachtholtz) and the aircraft type are written phonetically.
A group of Polish flying and non-flying personnel at the Lwow-Sknilow airfield around 1930 in front of a movable photo-laboratory.

bald airman in lvov
interwar recce aircraft
polish air force flying helmet
the history of przemysl and its neighbourhood
6 aviation regiment secret reconnaissance photo

pilotka i okulary
stara fotografia i historia lotnictwa
ruiny zamku herburtów koło przemyśla
francuskie samoloty w lotnictwie polskim
61 eskadra 6 pułk lotniczy laboratorium foto
zamek herburtów przedwojenna fotografia lotnicza


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