Polish Mail Edifice Building Site Przemyśl 1934 Budowa gmachu urzędu pocztowego, okolice dworca kolejowego

1934 was when a modern Poczta Polska (Polish Mail) edifice was built on Adama Mickiewicza Street in Przemyśl. These inter-war photographs show some details of the building site and the neighbourhood, including a vintage street lamp and metal stairs joining two ends of a footbridge above railway tracks in front of the main railway station in Przemyśl. (There was an inscription Do Chyrowa, i. e. Towards Chyrów on the footbridge). The complex of Poczta Polska buildings were numbers Mickiewicza 13 and Mickiewicza 15. Not much has changed in this place since 1934. Non-existing is the decorative wrought-iron fence. Obviously, it is difficult to see a horse cart on Przemyśl streets nowadays.

przemyśl pre-war architecture

fotografia historia przemyśl podkarpacie
przemyśl latarnia uliczna wóz konny cegły
zabytkowe ozdobne ogrodzenie z kutego żelaza
budowa gmachu urzędu pocztowego przemyśl 1934
stara tabliczka z numerem posesji mickiewicza 15 w przemyślu
kładka nad torami dla podróżnych dworzec pkp przedwojenny przemyśl
