Przemyśl Secret Underground Corridors – Tajne podziemne przejścia w Przemyślu

Mysterious underground corridors and cellars in Przemyśl, which were built of stone in the Middle Ages. The hidden passages were subsequently re-built and modernized, especially shortly before and during World War One, when Przemyśl was a crucial Austria-Hungary fortress. Some of the photographs show bricks manufactured in Nehrybka marked with 1N as well as N5 and N6 symbols. Note that the bricks are not placed in their usual position, which reveals the inscriptions on them. The bricks were obtained from Przemyśl forts, which had been demolished in March 1915, before the fortress was surrendered to the Russians. Also, metal parts, such as ceiling beams and armoured doors, from the forts were used to re-build and extend the cellars.
According to a local legend, the system of the clandestine corridors served as an evacuation route from the Przemyśl Castle, the Archcathedral and other churches and monasteries in the centre of Przemyśl. Supposedly, the system of passages went under River San and reached Zasanie (a Przemyśl quarter behind the river, opposite the main part called Śródmieście). There is a number of still undiscovered, or little known, hidden entrances like this one in Przemyśl.

See also Gallery Trasa po przedwojennym Przemyślu - Rynek, Kazimierzowska, Mickiewicza, Dworzec Kolejowy - Old Przemysl tour - Market Square to Railway Station

ww1 przemysl fortress
brics manufacured in nehrybka
old underground route in poland
przemysl history clandestine underground entrance
secret evacuation route for noblemen living in the przemysl castle

nehrybka cegły twierdza przemyśl
stare piwnice trasa podziemna ukryte przejścia
droga ewakuacji z przemyskiego zamku i archikatedry
rozbiórka zniszczonych fortów w przemyślu na materiały budowlane
