Polish STOL Plane PZL-104 Wilga 35A SP-ZOI Przemyśl

Photographs of PZL-104 Wilga 35A SP-ZOI taken at the beginning of this century near Przemyśl. They show some details essential for every keen modeller, including the propeller, undercarriage and blue-white painting scheme. For more photos of this aircraft type see other galleries, e. g. Krosno nad Wisłokiem 1984-1992.

tailwheel pzl 104 pc
pzl wilga sp-zoi front view
aviation poland pzl logo rudder vertical stabilizer
niebiesko-białe malowanie samolotu pzl 104 wilga sp-zoi
Fotografia, lotnictwo, historia, przyroda okolic Przemyśla
